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State of Mass.

Statesmanship is sinking and Massachusetts is still boarding passengers. Illegal immigrants are swarming into our state because Massachusetts provides housing to asylum seekers.  Gov. Maura Healey is draining our state budget to provide services and supplies for illegal immigrants.  Democrats scramble to solve an unsolvable problem because of Joe Biden’s open border policy.

Senator Ryan Fattman, a Sutton Republican, called for a residency requirement for people in shelters.  Sutton’s proposal is a sensible place to start. The recent alleged rape of a 15-year-old migrant teen by migrant Cory Alvarez, 26, living in the Rockland Comfort Inn should never have happened.  While politicians talk, taxpayers continue to pay the freight and regrettably a teenager has paid a lot higher price.

Donald Houghton



Our country is $34 trillion in debt which is basically impossible to straighten out. What are we doing about it? Handing out more money left and right — everybody seems to want to be in on the gravy train. Reparations for slavery that happened 150 years ago, unemployment that gives people more to not work, illegal immigrants costing us billions, giving billions and billions of assistance to foreign countries. Take a college loan – don’t worry about it. Let the people who paid their bills take care of it. Try working hard, studying hard, and you can be a success!

John Koster


Rachael Rollins

Another day, another example of our two-tiered system of justice and equity in our society (“Big Surprise,” Boston Herald, 3/13).  I had to laugh reading both the news story on former US Attorney Rachael Rollins losing her right to practice law in Massachusetts and then her soft landing, according to Howie Carr. Rollins got herself a part-time no-heavy lifting job at Roxbury Community College for a mere $96,000 a year. The hackerama in Massachusetts just keeps going round and round like an old amusement park carousel.

Should we really have to wonder why so many registered voters stay home on election days? Government is our business. Either we run it or it runs us, It will only be as good as we want it to be or as bad as we allow it to be.

I have lots of friends who have moved out of state, I wonder why but then I really don’t. Good luck to Rollins in her new job. I am sure Roxbury Community College knew what they were doing when hiring her.

Sal Giarratani

East Boston